Pee Pod Features Video

Pee Pods aren't just any portable urinal. They are cleverly designed to make installation, use and cleaning up as easy as possible. Find out more.

Pee Pods, from Plastic Solutions, are designed to take the pee...literally. Perfect for large outdoor events.


Getting the provision of toilets right at large events is always a challenge isn't it?

Even if you are generous with the allocation of cubicles there are always times when demand outstrips supply.

The Pee Pod is our solution to the problem. A set of Pee Pods on-site reduces the loo queues and keeps the punters happy.

What you might not know about the Pee Pod, however, are the range of design features and accessories that make them so practical. How about raised upstands to help stacking, linking kits to enable waste distribution and fittings for soap/antibacterial liquid dispensers?

Why not check out our short video to see exactly how easy the Pee Pod is to move, set up and store.

For more details call freephone 0800 334 5742 or use our contact form today.



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Pee Pod Features Video

Pee Pods aren't just any portable urinal. They are cleverly designed to make installation, use and cleaning up as easy as possible. Find out more.


Jeannie Hoddinott

Jeannie is valued member of our marketing team who plays a big part in creating our social media, newsletters and blogs

Stu Hoddinott

Stu is an important member of our sales team and makes sure you get the right products at the right time and the right place.

Marketing Team

Our marketing team tweets, posts blogs, newsletters and updates on a regular basis.

Karl Allen

Karl is our sales and admin manager and makes sure you get the right products at the right time and the right place.

Andrew Jenkins

Former Marketing Support for Plastic Solutions (Aldridge) Ltd and the Glampsan start up

Marketing Team (old)

Our marketing team tweets, posts blogs, newsletters and updates on a regular basis.

Jon Trelfa

With close on years' experience in the portable sanitation industry, Jon is our General Manager and Sales & Marketing Lead

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