Pee Pod - The Festival Queue Buster

If the queues for the loos are what people remember about your events then Plastic Solutions can help. Introducing the Pee Pod, festival queue buster

Sanitation at the first big music festivals in the 60s and 70s was primitive, to say the least. A pole over a pit is the least graphic description we can find from the time.

As festivals have become landmarks in the entertainment calendar and become family friendly affairs that extol their cleanliness and green credentials, the toilet arrangements have got a whole lot better.

Pee Pods linkeded to a Tuff Tank to provide extra storage capacity at festivals and events
‍Pee Pods linked to a 2270l capacity Tuff Tank for increased storage

However given a spot of good weather and a drop of beer the pressure on the portable toilet fleet can become very intense very quickly. One of the big problems is that it's the chaps who usually cause the surge: their bladders simply can't cope with the sudden onslaught of a few pints of lager.

That's why the Pee Pod is proving so popular with festival organisers and event management companies. Each 4 bay unit offers 120 gallon/550 litres capacity - at an average 0.22 litres (0.38 pints) per "visit" which means the Pee Pod can cope with around 2500 "visits". As an added bonus Pee Pods weigh only 45kg and are designed for easy stacking - perfect for transport and storage around your site.

So avoid the moans and the nasty tweets and get your own Queue Busters today.

There is more information, including a video, on the website for you to take a look at. if you need any help then just get in contact today by calling freephone 0800 334 5742 or email via the contact form.


Plastic Solutions Ltd. - Full range of Pee Pod spares available to buy online.

Image courtesy of Gavin Stewart on Flickr


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