Waste Water Tanks

Our range of plastic tanks is not just for effluent or potable water - they're for waste water too.

mini tuff tank 160 gllon waste water capacity
Mini Tuff Tank

Plastic Solutions is very well known for its Tuff Tank range of plastic effluent tanks. It's now getting visibility for it's water tanks and bowsers. 

Maybe it's time that we highlighted that our plastic tanks are perfectly suited for waste water collection and storage too.

Our Mini Tuff Tank and Tuff Tank products offer 160 gallon (725 litre) and 500 gallon (2270 litre) waste water storage capacities respectively. That makes them ideal for use where there is no mains sewer connection. 

Tuff Tank 500 gallon waste water holding tank
Tuff Tank

Both of the tanks can easily be positioned underneath welfare units or shower blocks on bulding sites, because of their lightweight plastic construction. They are also perfect for mobile kitchens, concessions trailers, caravan sites, boatyards and marinas.

The tanks are made from UV-protected MDPE (medium density polyethylene) with 6-8mm wall thickness. They are specially designed to cope with the stresses and strains of life on site and to make it as easy as possible to move and maintain them.

Whatever your waste water storage requirement we'd be delighted to talk to you today.

Call freephone 0800 334 5742 or use our contact form to get in touch.


Plastic Solutions Ltd. - Flush tank spares for the leading portable toilet brands


Four Ways to use an Above Ground Storage Tank

Above Ground Tanks have many uses - waste, rainwater harvesting or water storage - discover the best solution for you with Plastic Solution's range.

Portable Toilet Holding Tanks

Using portable chemical flush toilets at a campground or event site? Holding tanks might help.

Above Ground Effluent Holding Tanks

Plastic Solutions has extended its range of above ground effluent holding tanks to give you the choice of upto 30,000 litre storage capcity

August 12, 2017
Waste and Water Tanks
It's the domino effect

The Plastic Solutions team have been hard at play...again, showing off the portability of the UK's favourite waste tank

Need Some Shade. Build a Tuff Tank Cave.

Soaring Summer temperatures meant our yard team needed a bit of shade from the sun. Here's how they found some.

April 14, 2017
Waste and Water Tanks
Service Water Tanks Plus Three Pump Options.

Pumptastic. Match one of our three new water pump options with the lightweight Mini Tuff Tank to meet all of your service requirements.


Jeannie Hoddinott

Jeannie is a valued member of our marketing team who plays a big part in creating our social media, newsletters and blogs.

Stu Hoddinott

Stu is an important member of our sales team and makes sure you get the right products at the right time and the right place.

Marketing Team

Our marketing team posts blogs, newsletters and updates on a regular basis.

Karl Allen

Karl is our sales and admin manager and makes sure you get the right products at the right time and the right place.

Jon Trelfa

With over 30 years' experience in the portable sanitation industry, Jon is our General Manager and Sales & Marketing Lead.

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